

Saturday 29 June 2013

office secrets review

Hello there my lovelies.
*just skip the intro if you want to see the description of the different routes*

Before you read further I will forewarn you that this post will be me reviewing and giving my opinion / description on 'office affairs' the otome game by my favourite otome game company voltage inc *insert cheers of all otaku woman around the world*. For those of you who are like wtf is an otome game, well the direct translation is maiden game. These games are basically stimulation games aimed at women. They usually have plots similar to romance shoujo manga and anime. If you're wondering how do I buy these games? Well you can buy them in apps both for iphone's and ipad's. As far as I'm aware you cannot play voltage inc's games on your computer. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
For me voltage inc is one of the best, if not the best otome game company with their different stories and routes which tend to represent different iconic types of male 2D leads. For instance the hyper happy younger brother type, childhood friend who's bad with women, the tall, dark, mysterious type and more. I'm almost 100% sure that there will be a route that fits into your 'type' category, or you could be especially sad like myself and buy them all. *Hangs head in shame, but not regret*. Oh god.

Just in case you are wondering yes I feel like such an otaku writing this, and not in a good way. Why am I not bullied I don't know. Doesn't change the fact as embarrassing as it is, I do love these games so much lol. This is basically a post to help you choose a route that will suit you. Because although I do love voltage inc there are some routes I would umm rather. not. have bought. I'm sorry voltage inc I still love you. Since I never came across any reviews on the internet how was I to know? So I shall be that person who wastes their money so you don't have to. Oh the sacrifice lmao.
 In case you didn't know Voltage inc routes cost £2.49 each character. To some people that seems like a lot, to others it's extremely cheap. For me personally I consider it cheap because when I buy an xbox game it usually costs £30-£50. That's how I think of it. Obviously one route doesn't last as long as an xbox game I know that. The prologue is always free though, so you can get an idea of what route you want to choose and if the games for you. I'm just going to say this so you don't have to,  yes even for me this post screams...
Moving swiftly on. Now that I've explained to you a little about voltage inc and what otome games are I'm going to actually shut up and talk about office secrets, and no that doesn't make sense.
In game your character is a woman who is in her second year working for a well known clothing company when she's abruptly transferred to a newly created department. She begins her new role with what she considers the elite staff of Infinite inc. Questioning her place. Being the only female in the department she becomes close to one colleague in particular and once you choose your route your story begins. *cheers* **as in applauds not drink** feel free to have alcohol but don't do it because I told you to. Now I'm going to go through the routes and give them a mark out of ten, a brief description and my opinion. I'm not going to tell you straight up what happens otherwise there would be no point playing it yourself so only tiny spoilers I promise!

1. Ryoma Shirasagi.
Basic information: Manager, 27 years old, blood type A, Virgo.
Background: Graduate of Cambridge, MBA; fastest promotion in the company's history.
Description: Ryoma is known as fussy by his childhood friends because of his clean freak personality and perfectionist way of thinking. Ryoma is very professional, when it comes to him being your boss expect to be criticized a lot. He nigh on insults you but manages to make it sound polite. He's very articulate this is a product off his well off upbringing. The route involves not only the obstacle of him being your boss but also your difference in class, although Ryoma doesn't let it on till the game is nearing its end he only has eyes for you. I think the most admiring thing about Ryoma is his hard working personality and passion toward his job, this is one of the main reasons I loved his character. I'd give Ryoma an 9/10 because personally I prefer more romantic, forward type routes. Nevertheless I really enjoyed the storyline and hardships in the Ryoma route!
2. Toranosuke Hajime.
Basic information: Deputy, 25 years old, blood type AB, Sagittarius.
Background: Top of his class since high school, as well as being top employee.
Description: Tora is known for his amazing memory but definitely not for his modesty. He comes across arrogant but throughout the game he proves himself as hard working and talented. The relationship between the mc and Tora develops fairly quickly. Personally I prefer routes where the romance is fairly fast paced so Tora is my 10/10 for this otome game! Although Tora comes across as arrogant hes actually really sincere and has a cute side like his lack of, if any computer knowledge. He also has a rather cute jealousy trait. This is part of why the mc falls for Tora. At the beginning Tora has no interest in a relationship with you until he suddenly becomes passionate stealing kisses and hugs in the office, I think this route revolves a lot around the thrill of keeping your relationship a secret however you do have to overcome hardships to do with work.
3. Shota Kurumi.
 Basic information: Planning deputy, 22 years old, blood type O, Pisces.
Background: Harvard graduate, has lived on 5 different continents.
Description: Shota is the youngest in the department but is just as qualified as some of his older colleagues. This Includes being multilingual, Shota impresses the people around him often with his language skills! He also shines in the planning department showing off his ideas, which is why he's such an asset to the team. A trait of Shota which surprised me was that he could be hard to reason with this comes across when he acts more passionate than professional. Once he became dedicated to something, he doesn't give up. I mean this as a good thing because Shota is a cheerful, cute younger brother type and its rare that they have strong traits like that. For me this improved the game play to be less predictable!  Shota is one year younger than the mc but is often forward being very touchy feely with her. Shota uses living in Europe as an excuse *due to the different culture*. Most of the hardships you face are to do with being in a relationship with a college and someone younger than you. The mc also takes a while to realise/ admit her feelings. All in all I give this route a 9/10, for managing to keep such an overused lead and making it so its still exciting.

4. Junya Sakurazawa.

Basic Information: 25 years old, blood type A, Gemini.
Background: Attended a prestigious private school all the way from elementary to university.
Description: Junya's granddad is the head of your company. This mixed with the rumours about him being a womanizer means you assume he's just a flirt who's not interested much in working hard. The mc very quickly comes to the conclusion this isn't the case. Junya is looked up too by your male colleagues and is very hardworking despite being related to the big boss. This being said Junya prides himself on doing a good job without doing any over time and believes once work is finished it is time to have fun and do what he feels like. Throughout the story despite Junya flirting with the mc and always smiling it becomes obvious to the mc that Junya is sometimes faking it to please others around him. For me I love that Junya shows the mc his gentle/ weak side, because it just makes your heart go doki doki lol. I'm going to give Junya's route a 9.5/10 because there are some really cute scenes in this route!

**To be continued once I play the other routes ^^*

Monday 24 June 2013

im eighteen! *insert applause* - part one-

I've literally been sat here for 20 minutes. How the hell does one start they're first post o.o ? I don't know tbh. I don't want to be super cheery and give you false hope that I am happy bubbly person lol. I make myself sound solemn. I swear I'm not!  Just damn awkward. Not in the way I'm awkward because I'm deep, emotional and I'm secretly dating a vampire. I'm just you're regular awkward, so yeah.

Anyways, Hi I'm beth! See being friendly sounds *well looks* so damn cheesy and advertised. *Sigh* I overthink everything man you'll get used to it.
This is my first blog post and its going to be about my 18th birthday. Wooo ~ Although I'm 18 I still haven't gone out legally like with my id. Because I'm too blasé about going and paying £50 to prove I'm me when I get in without id anyways. Plus I'm to damn lazy. Warning for future posts I overuse the word damn, magical and boom. I never really knew until people kept telling me to stop -.-  When they said it I was all blank faced like when do I say boom? I know I say magical a hell of a lot and damn occasionally. Since then I've noticed I say boom too, frequently. My bad.
So yeah this blog will consist of manga, rpg reviews and my life. And if you hadn't noticed, tenfold if you read my about me, I babble and literally don't stfu. I'm mad awkward when I first meet someone though. Anyways moving on.
So for my 18th I decided to go stay with family friends in England. *Side note: I live in Wales, a small country next to England, its NOT in England ok. Common misconception don't feel bad about it, lol stfu beth *. Sorry for turning it into a geography lesson. At least you can use this if your parents get angry for you wasting you're time on the internet. You can be like I was learning about the geography of the uk actually mum, so yeah f*** you. I'm just kidding don't swear at your parents. Well don't swear at your parents because I told you to anyway.
The reason I decided to stay with them is one because were super close and I love them but also the inner otaku in me. Living in wales there is only one comic book store near me *sobbu* and they're manga section is tiny. Whereas where they live it has way more places for my inner otaku to waste money. Which I did ^.~ .
I stayed at their house for about 3-4 days I don't really remember because my birthday was in May. and its almost July now. Oops. They were super sweet though because they put up 18th banners and everything o.o *touched* they also made me a cake. HANDMADE o.o *super touched*. It was totoro as well *infinity touched* lol.
Pink totoro super cute right! It tasted ridiculously good too *wipes drool*.
So on the first night we ate cake and I was complimented by drunk adults, which is always nice lmao. I spent most of my time with they're daughter she's 12, she will so kill me if I'm wrong lol I think she's 12. She is both inspiring and talented, she's accomplished more than me, not that it takes ,much but again she's 12. Plus on top of all that she is one of the weirdest children I have ever met she makes me laugh so much. I see her as my little sister, so any one who hurts her...

On to the second and third day, I actually had to get up as early as I do for work. But it was worth it to buy all awesome things ^^. I decided to do the two days together because I have no idea what I bought on which day. Its been nearly two months in my defence. So ill shut up now so you guys can just look at the pictures if you didn't skip past me talking anyway. not that I could blame you. I talk so damn much.

So on the second day we took the train up to china town in Manchester! It was actually super pretty but I couldn't fit all the archway on my shitty iPhone camera. So this picture will have to do. *should've taken my real camera but too damn lazy*

Here's a picture of  almost everything I bought in the two days. I know shitty quality. I took it on my ipad even worse than iphone *shakes head* I promise next time my pictures will be of  a way better quality. probably. Anyways I bought lots of cute things right?

My fave buy has to be my green totoro purse which you can kind of see. Its so pritti and has lots of compartments, so its organised and as well as cute ^^

close up of my #madokakaname #figurine

Here's a close up of the madoka statue I bought! I love it. The seller gave me 25% off and free black butler poster because it was my birthday. Some people are so sweet ^^ Ignore Ichigo and Kon photoboming lol.

my awesome new clock #meltingclock #salvadordali

I also bought this Salvador Dali type inspired clock which is so cool ^^! only £12 o.o Oh and see that anime collage in the background my friend/colleague Hollie made that for me as part of my birthday present! She's so sweet I was really touched because it was really thoughtful. She tried to remember all my favourite characters. ah *hugs until she cant breath*

going on a drive with my sxc #kon #anime bag

Isn't the k-on! laptop bag I bought awesome, its so cute! ~ I bought it from the same seller as the madoka statue he had a lot of things imported from Asia so I loved his stall. I also bought this skirt which I thought was super well made and cute from American apparel, but one thing I will say is I bought a top and a skirt and it added up to £80. ah wtf, but I don't regret it because they seem very well made and pretty but still wtf.

On the second day we ate at a Japanese restaurant in china town. It was so super yummy. But as for the name I have no memory of it *I'm shit I know* I'm not really good at this whole blogging thing, ill get better. I promise. Although I don't remember the name its literally a few steps away from the china town archway. If you live in or near Manchester you should definitely check it out. I had Inari and ice cream mochi.  It was delicious you do not understand *drools*. If you want inari though, its not on the menu so you have to ask specifically for it. Its what I always have so I asked just in case and they made it for me! Good service or not ^.~ I didn't take any pictures though because I was really hungry okay. I'm sorry but food comes first lol *no offence*. Since its the same as I always have here's a picture from a different restaurant

I like sweet things , lunch date with the sister  #sushi #inari #mochi #me
This mochi isn't ice cream though its bean paste. Ice cream is definitely the one to go for. I do not recommend these things if you don't like sweet foods. I just have a majorly sweet sushi addiction so I love them.

On the second day we went to eat at a Mexican restaurant in Leeds new mall, which was also very tasty. Yes I ate like a beast over my birthday, but I lost weight lol. Its all the physical labour of carrying my shopping bags and walking around all day. I had three side dishes instead of a main at the Mexican restaurant we went to because im really indecisive and id never been to a Mexican restaurant before so I didn't know what id like and not like. I liked everything, I also recommend the Mexican restaurant. Go to both very yummy, as you can tell because I put the word yummy on every picture lol.

After eating at the Mexican restaurant we went for cocktails and then drove home to wales basically. I had a very nice stay and was super touched by how everyone put so much effort into going the places I wanted and just little things like forcibly carrying my bags, very cute right? SO thank you to my parents and god parents and basically little sister for being lovely and considerate people!

Bye for now! Hope you enjoyed this post the second one will be on my barbeque and surprise to see my favourite singer. Thank you for reading!