

Friday 20 September 2013

very unmotivated person.

My new naruto pillow says hi. Cute right. I love ebay. lol.

Ive been busy, kind of. You all know how it is with working, going out, shopping plus I went to a festival recently and there wasn't even any mobile signal o.o
Soooo that eliminates like a whole week of my life, so is it really any wonder I haven't posted in a while.
Anyway, enough with the excuses, because that's what they are.
I was actually super surprised to see I was still getting views on my posts, like really surprised by the amount of views actually. Lol so super saiyan thank you guys! That doesn't even make sense. I'm just so thankful that the English language no longer even applies. I'm an idiot anyhow..
I intend to do more posts like top 11 shounen manga/manhwa, maybe some hauls, anything I can think of really, definitely more voltage inc reviews because apparently I'm not the only otaku who spends way to much on those 16 chapters, then maybe a sequel, or another story or a spin off, or all of them, usually all of them. -Hangs head in shame, again-
I'm hopefully going to keep this post short, because I've noticed I really suck at that. So here's just a few highlights of what I've been up to before I go back to blogging about otome games and otaku stuff. So please bear with me lol.
Greenman festival! It was actually way more chilled than other festivals I've been to like Shambala or Glastonbury. Nevertheless it was good they had lots of different stages as well as food options. I spent so much money on food. Now I'm on a diet so I cant even say it was worth it lol. I can say it all tasted damn good though.
 I spend most of the time shopping, eating, sunbathing, listening to live bands, drinking and hoping for some phone signal. Luckily I took some manga, because I'm easily bored its not a reflection on the festival I just have a short attention span. Also hence the lack of blogging lol.
here's some pictures I took while I was there :)
Taken on my iphone so bad quality, but damn pretty sky, I should be photographer lolol.

 chilling. - anyone else go on to sing prince of bel air song in there head- lol wtf.

(Taken by Sarah Gray) My favourite part of the festival was the last night after listening to Ben Howard when they set this massive Greenman on fire. 
Besides Greenman I've just being going out with friends and normal stuff I guess. My best friend paid for me to watch kick ass 2, Went to see something instruments for Megs birthday lmao they where both good, even if I don't remember the title. Just normal stuff. Very unglamorous right. It was my sisters birthday this week though on ... dundundun
She's damn unlucky right, birthday on Friday the 13th every year. I made up for it by buying her awesome gifts. A totoro phone case, a batman comic skirt (one each) and Hercules dvd since she obsessed with Disney movies. We went out for a meal I had salmon for main and the waiter laughed at me because I asked for meringue and cream without the cream for afters. Although I am on a diet, I actually don't like cream anyway so yeah.
Besides that I've just been working, saving money for Italy next year to stay at my nans house and maybe go to Australia to see Zoe (if you read this I miss you bitch). Depends because I suck at saving. Speaking of sucking at saving. I've been super happy this month because voltage finally translated the two games 10 days with my devil and kiss of revenge. asdfghjkl~
 My fave out of the two! I intend to do a post on the characters eventually.  I've played all of them but Meguru and Rein. Since they're not out yet lol. Shiki is my favourite so far because I like the whole having to work hard to make them open up to you thing. He's also really cute.
As for kiss of revenge I've only played Issei so far. One thing I noticed with kiss of revenge is how they changed the set up so another story is halfway through the normal one and you can choose to change your route. Obviously I played both but I'm not sure if I prefer the new set up. Ill let you know in the full post lol, sneaky. The premise of this story is a bit um weird. Nevertheless I like it.
Okay so that's all. I'll make sure to do a proper post soon! Bye guys.